To create a regional industry benchmark, Hainar smart new factory completed and put into production

May 18, Zhejiang Hainar hydraulic 2024 housewarming ceremony and appreciation dinner was successfully held. To witness the brilliant completion of the new hydraulic plant in Xiangshan, Zhejiang province.


Zhejiang Haina Hydraulic Co. , Ltd. . President Chen Liujun, general manager Li Junjie and other leaders, hand gold scissors, cut the ribbon for the new factory, open a new chapter in the development of Hainar.


About Hainar

Zhejiang Hainar Hydraulic Co. , Ltd. (Hainar) , a manufacturer specializing in the production of high-pressure hose and various hydraulic joints, the products are exported to Europe, North , Southeast Asia and other places, adhering to the“Quality first, customer first” business philosophy, to provide customers with high-quality services and technical support, at home and abroad to win a good reputation and recognition.


Taking into account the increasing external market demand and the need for internal management upgrades, haina decided to build a new lean digital intelligence factory that “Serves a strategic purpose, is aligned with the market strategy, is backed by an operational management process, and is highly efficient with digital automation”.

In 2021, Hainar chose to join hands with Trident to start the construction of the lean digital intelligence factory. Djt is based on "Top-level design and planning of Digital Intelligence Factory", and has built an integrated program of software and hardware interworking for Hainar.

  • Forward-looking lean plant layout and logistics planning. The layout can meet the needs of small batch production, and the optimal transportation distance is the shortest.
  • The design of automatic storage logistics with less people and no people, instead of large batch circulation to small batch single-box circulation, standard SNP design (container, loading capacity, carrier) and supporting equipment of automatic storage logistics, automatic transfer does not fall to the ground.
  • Optimize and reorganize the process mechanism with the core of MTO. Management process mechanism of the old factory first verification, after the new factory to undertake. "N + 3 + 1" pulling production mode is designed to realize the JIT production mode of material allocation and production arrangement, visual material preparation and picking, automatic complete set and distribution, and to realize the mandatory first inspection quality control of the minimum batch.
  • Automatic operation of field driven by digital intelligence. On-site task automatic trigger, production process man-machine integration, automatic implementation of logistics turnover, logistics one code in the end, unmanned operation

In March, Hainar 2024 an annual output of 10 million hydraulic accessories digital workshop project successfully selected “Xiangshan county-level Digital Workshop Project (the first batch) .”. The selection marks the official recognition of Hainar work in digital workshops and the establishment of an industry model, it also marks a new step for Hainar in the future.

Post time: Jul-11-2024